Monday, March 14, 2011


Faith: choosing to believe in something you know to be true even when the circumstances seem to suggest the opposite.  Like today.  I know Spring is just around the corner.  Even though, at the moment, it's snowing.

And just a little heads up for my readers...I've started a new class called "Simple Living/Practical Skills".  During the next two weeks - starting tomorrow - internet, long-distance calls, water, and electricity use will be limited.  And all cooking must be from scratch (with the exception of our weekend camp-out).  Not a big deal for me, since I almost always cook from scratch.  One of our assignments is to bake a loaf of bread.  You're kidding?!  I get an excuse to bake bread again?  I guess where I was going with all that is just that I won't be posting much during that time.  So don't start planning my memorial or divying up my effects just because I'm not writing for a while.

This weekend, weather permitting, will be my first-ever camping trip.  I was intimidated at first, but now I'm kind of looking forward to it.  It'll be an adventure.  Hopefully a good one, but an adventure regardless.  I'll try to take pictures...and there just may be a surprise or two.  No promises.  Just possibilities.

Oh, and by the way, hazelnut coffee is pretty good.  So is homemade yogurt.  It's surprisingly easy.  And the smell of the "Monday pot of beans" is wafting through the house again...And I'm off to cleaning in a bit...

Thanks, Lord, for another week!

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