Thursday, February 9, 2012

Confessions of a "Good" Girl

Lately, I've been feeling the need to post something more substantial.  Not that there's anything wrong with tree-climbing, rejoicing that I'm home, or a warning on espresso concentrate drips.  But the Lord has been doing some cool things that I haven't sat down and shared with you.

To give you some background:

I've been always been a good girl.  You know, the nice, respectable girl who never did drugs, never drank, never got into trouble with boys, never broke curfew…

I wanted to do everything right.  I wanted to figure everything out.  Have all my theological ducks in a row.  Have my life in perfect order.

Oh, my life looked so good on the outside.  (At least I thought it did.)  Long skirts, long hair and head coverings, no jewelry, and no makeup.  I didn't watch movies or listen to the "wrong" kind of music.

I had this idea that the closer I got to God, the more things I'd have figured out and the better my life would look.  Though I would never, ever have said it, my attitude was something like this:

Of course we're saved by grace.  Everybody who trusts God is His child, but God probably loves me just a wee bit more than some people I know.  I'm more obedient.  I'm special. I  do those "extra" things that most people don't.

The idea that God somehow loved me more than certain other people made me a whole lot LESS loving.  Well, actually, I was quite in love with my convictions, to the point that many times I had little love for others and little true love for the Lord.

Over the past year, He began to strip away some of those outward things I'd clung to as a measure of my spirituality.  Like the Galatians, I had begun in the Spirit, but was trying to live every day by my own strength.  All the things I did were so that I could maintain a "holy life" and enjoy God's favor.  Self-righteousness is a subtle – and deadly – sin.  How could I have been so very blind to God's daily grace for all those years? I wondered.  I need His grace every bit as much as the next person.  And it's been here for me all along.  He wanted me to experience it, but I was too caught up with myself and my dos and don'ts.  That realization turned my world upside down.

I won't lie: it's been painful in many ways. But it's been worth every single ounce of that pain.  The relationship I now have with the Lord is deeper than it ever was before.  There's still a lot of growing to do.  But having tasted the freedom and joy that grace brings, I cannot fathom going back to "the way things were".  Grace compels me, not to fearfully pull away, but to push forward towards a deeper relationship with the One who loves me so much more than I can understand.

In the end, whether or not I wear makeup or jewelry or head coverings or skirts doesn't matter all that much.  That's not where the real issue lies (although I thought it was for a long time).  The real issue is where my focus is.  Is it on doing everything right, or is it on staying close to my loving Heavenly Father?


Now I am walking away

From the life I once knew

And running into Your grace

That covers my shame

Again and again

- You Invite Me In

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1)

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