Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Shower That Wouldn't Turn Off

I woke up at 2:30 this morning to hear…could it be?  Yes!  The almost-forgotten sound of running water in my apartment.  For the first time since last Sunday evening, my water came on.  So I got up.  When you haven’t had running water and it comes on, you make the most of the opportunity, even if it’s in the middle of the night.

Who knew washing dishes and flushing toilets could be so exciting?  I filled up my barrel and buckets and then took a real, honest-to-goodness shower.  Ahhh…
The water pressure built up to the point where the shower in the guest bathroom was running.  I went in to try to turn it off, but the knob was apparently broken and wouldn’t turn off.  I didn’t want to leave it on and waste precious water, but I’d already filled up everything I could.  So I left it and went to bed.  As I lay there listening to the water, I sleepily thought that it was sort of like grace.  We don’t just decide we have enough and go, “Okay, God, You can stop now.”  You can’t turn off grace.  It pours out and splashes down no matter what.  Nothing can stop it.

Being without running water and having to conserve the water I do have has made me realize just how valuable it is.  And there it was, splashing out freely from the shower head.
We can’t live without grace, and there it is, poured out abundantly for us, splashed freely throughout our daily lives.  Refreshing, satisfying, life-giving grace.  More of it than we could think to ask for.  Completely unstoppable.

Thank You, Lord, that Your grace is like a shower that won’t turn off.

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