Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why Not Me?

This past week C.R. (one of the college kids from church) got a job offer.  He'd asked our Bible study group to pray for the interview, etc., and on Sunday he praised the Lord for providing a job for him.  I couldn't help but think of my own search for work.  I could ask, "Lord, why him and not me?  I could use a job just as much as he can.  I'm glad You answered his prayer.  But why didn't You answer mine, too?"

Also on Sunday, Mr. R was praising the Lord for healing his back.  I believe God can and does heal.  And I believe He answers the prayers of His children.  So He healed Mr. R - yet I still struggle with very frequent headaches.  Not too long ago, I would have been tempted to ask, "Lord, why haven't You taken my headaches away, when You can so easily heal others?  I've prayed with faith that You can.  Why haven't You answered?"

But He has answered my prayers – with a "wait" for now.  Not because He loves me any less, but because He knows that "wait" is His absolute best for me at this time.

It reminds me of a snippet from my favorite poem:

And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still…Wait.


And so I wait.  Not always patiently.  Still fearful and faltering at times.  Yet rejoicing and clinging to the assurance that my God has something far more excellent in mind than I can dream up for myself.

I am so very glad He is the One who directs my steps.

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