Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Grace Story: {Day 27} Life after cancelled debt

I used to owe a huge debt. In fact, it was so big that I had no hope of ever paying it off, even if I lived a hundred thousand years and worked like mad each waking moment. You know, of course, that I'm referring to my sin-debt, not financial bankruptcy. I've mentioned it a time or two this month, but in the last few days, I've been thinking. Thinking how drastically life changes when someone shackled by debt is suddenly debt-free. Why, it would completely turn one's life completely upside-down!

And that's exactly my story - in a spiritual sense.

When Jesus died, He said, "It is finished!"  The phrase He used (Greek - tetelestai) has been found stamped across ancient bills.  It is finished.  Paid in full.  Everything I owed and could never pay - His love and sacrifice on the cross paid it all.  Amazing.  Amazing grace!!

Funny, though, how quickly I forget.  Well, not really funny.  Ugly is more like it.

I forget that I was forgiven an impossible debt and get upset or snooty when I think someone owes me something.  (Like the ten-thousand-talent servant in Matthew 18.)

Or I forget that I didn't get a loan, my debt was outright cancelled.  I don't need to work to pay anything off.

Not only that, I sometimes forget that my account is now full of God's grace, and instead I act like I'm a spiritual beggar.

Or I let that grace sit there in my "bank" and don't share it with others who need what God has freely given.

It's ugly, all of it.

I have been forgiven.  I am free.  The infinite grace of God is mine - I am unbelievably rich!!!

Now I want to live like it.  I want to remember the gift I have been given.  More than that, I want to remember the Giver.

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