Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Meet DeAnne

A year-and-a-half ago, DeAnne started coming to the first small group I hosted along my coworker Kelley.  She graduated and got married last May, and is now working in child care while her husband Wil finishes up his last year as a student at EBI.

I've enjoyed getting to know DeAnne - going for walks, grabbing coffee together, and talking about our experiences living overseas.  (She studied at a university in Nicaragua before coming here.)  Since she's around for another year, we get to have her in small group a second time!  Hearing her perspectives and what God is teaching her through a new chapter in life always encourages me.

I asked if she'd mind sharing her take on EBI life and what her future plans are.

My name is DeAnne, I'm 25, and I'm from Alaska!  I came here wanting to learn about the Bible, but God showed me that the purpose of study is not just to know a bunch of facts, but to gain a deepened relationship with Him.  My favorite class was Biblical Foundations where I learned that the Bible is one big connected story, not just a bunch of random unrelated anecdotes.  I've learned that loving people doesn't mean always telling them what they want to hear; sometimes the truth hurts, but we must tell it in love.  To anyone considering Bible school: you will not regret it!  (P.S. Two years goes by way faster than you think)!  My husband Wil and I plan to return to his home country of Nicaragua to serve the people through mentorship on a career level, and more importantly on a spiritual level.

I know God has grown DeAnne a lot in the last few years, and I can't wait to see what impact she and Wil have as they continue to follow Him.

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