Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Rut

I've often said, Give me a good rut and I'm happy.

I like routines and predictability and I'm even pretty okay with boring.

Perhaps two years in West Africa were enough adventure for a lifetime. ;)

Wednesday - good ol' middle-of-the-week Wednesday - means I work in the nursery instead of my office, snuggling babies so their moms can be in classes (or in the case of staff kids, be involved in ministry at the school).

It's my second semester doing this, and I'm quite happy with my "rut" - waking up every Wednesday knowing I get to hang out with sweet little ones like Jonah.

Some other things I'm thankful for in my little Wednesday rut -

2 Chronicles keeping me company while I got ready this morning
A let-up in the rain
Baby smiles and giggles
Homemade oatmeal cookies
Little interactions with students
Home Fires tonight with my friend Raylea
Heat that works - and that I can control! (unlike my third-floor apartment that was on the same heating system as the entire floor)
Encouraging email from a friend
Steaming mug of cranberry blood orange tea
Truth set to music
A kitchen restored to order

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