Monday, October 22, 2018

Hospitality(ish): Lower-Stress Hosting

Here are some ways I've learned to reduce the stress that can sometimes accompany inviting people over:

Pick mainly tried-and-true recipes.  I've learned not to try a bunch of new dishes when having guests over - maybe one new one, if I'm fairly confident and the event isn't complicated.  That way I don't have to worry or fret over potential flops.

Prioritize tasks.  Know cooking times and start with the dishes that will take longer to finish.  Know what you can involve guests with if you run out of time.  For instance, when I'm having a group over, I make sure to get myself ready (change into appropriate clothes, freshen up, etc.) well before they're supposed to arrive.  I also clean up the bathroom and do any other tidying-up that needs to be done.  If people show up and things aren't ready, I can always ask someone to set the table or toss the salad or slice bread for me, but asking them to clean my bathroom would be a little out of place.

Accept help.  If someone asks, "Can I bring something?", let them!  Too often I think, "I want people to just be able to show up and not have to worry about anything."  I forget that others often enjoy contributing - especially if it's something simple like bringing drinks, dessert, or even a bag of chips. Plus, if I'm not doing all the work myself every time, I'll likely invite people over more often and relax more while they are in my home.

Plan ahead.  Decide on the menu and/or activities, make a shopping list, and try to get the bulk of the shopping and prep done in advance (i.e. not the day of).  Leaving everything till the last minute gives you no margin for mishaps, miscalculations, or the surprise early arrivals.  Margin-less hosting (like margin-less living) is a largely-avoidable stress.

Keep the main focus on welcoming your guests and making them feel at home.  You can prepare the most fabulous meal, but if you're a ball of nerves, your guests won't feel relaxed or comfortable either.  If something goes wrong, don't sweat.  Laugh about it.  Come up with a Plan B.  It'll be okay.

How about you?  What helps you host with less stress and more enthusiasm?

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