Friday, October 12, 2018

Not Enough Time

On Thursday evenings, a small group from my church meets at my house.

It's not a Bible study per se, but a discussion on what we've read that week.

Last semester, we went through the New Testament and this time we're reading Genesis-2 Kings.

We talk about what we noticed for the first time, what bothered us (which sounds like an odd question, but has sparked really good discussions), what questions we have, what we learned through this portion of Scripture.

We can go for two hours, and though we're tired and have other things to move on to, it feels like we could go for another two hours.  There's so much to notice!  So much to learn!

I love how questions tie in together, how we bounce off of each other, and how everyone is so eager to share what God has been showing them.

There's freedom to be honest, to challenge each other's perspectives, to let questions remain unanswered sometimes (rather than trying to come up with answers that aren't there).

Last night we were in Exodus, and I feel like we barely scratched the surface of it.  But perhaps that's my favorite part of all - the sense that we can never exhaust the treasure of truths to be found in God's Word.

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