Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Light Bulb Moments

I love light bulb moments.  One of my all-time favorite memories of teaching Sunday School was the following:

In every lesson, we drew out God's character.  We'd ask, "What does this tell us about God?"  One of our repeated themes was that He is everywhere at once.  The kids could all tell us that, but when five-year-old David realized this meant God was with him in California and also with his little friend who was traveling to Florida that week (and would take care of both of them), I cheered wildly inside.

Yes!  He gets it!  This truth means something to him personally; it's not just a phrase he's parroting.

I love watching truth click for others.

Sometimes, though, I'm the one who has the light bulb moment.

During yesterday's ladies small group, we talked about worship - how all of life can be worship, how it centers on God and not us, how Martha chose to be anxious while Mary chose worship and Jesus called it the one needful thing.

I then posed an application question: How do these truths frame or re-frame the rest of the day for you?

As the words were coming out of my mouth, the lights went on for me.  I'd started this time somewhat anxious and hadn't even realized it.  After small group was over, I needed to quickly clean up the essentials, then pick up Addie and take her to her violin lesson (where I would try to finish my current book).  From there, we would run to the store for a few things, then come back to the house and eat dinner with the rest of the family after Josie's soccer game.

All of life is worship.  Living is our worship.

I could feel the weight off my shoulders almost instantly.  I didn't need to fret over all of it; the Lord wanted me to take one thing at a time - to do it for Him, to enjoy it, to be mindful of His presence in each activity.

You know what I love?  It was a couple weeks ago that I prepped the questions for this chapter on worship, but the Lord knew what this particular day would hold.  He knew right where my mind would be and what truth I would need to reminded of.

Isn't He good?

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