Sunday, October 21, 2018

Next to Godliness

"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."

I'm not sure where that phrase originated, but it's been repeated so often through so many generations that some of us have actually started to believe it -

That being clean is the next most important thing after being Godly, or even worse, that being clean is part of being Godly.

We may also believe, for example, that Godliness means being thrifty.

Or that it involves being smart, organized, and healthy.

Or being a natural leader.

Or keeping house well.

Or getting good grades.

Or...fill in the blank.

1 Timothy 6:6 tells us, "Now godliness with contentment is great gain."  Godliness - a character like Christ's - and contentment.

Contentment.  Such an under-rated virtue.  If I'm smart and thrifty and organized, people will notice and perhaps even praise me for it.  But contentment?  It somehow doesn't sound nearly as important as some of those other things.

The Lord has been convicting me the past week or so that instead of pouring all my energy into being the most productive I can possible be, searching for the best deals on things I need to buy, or anything else that will make me look like a got-it-together person, I should be focused first on cultivating contentment.

At the heart of it all, contentment is about being satisfied in Him, rejoicing in what He's given, about choosing thankfulness instead of grumbling.

That's what He wants, and that's how I want to be described.

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