Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's "Scoop"

The redbuds are blooming - gorgeous splashes of purple everywhere, enlivening the still mostly-bare woods.  The dogwoods have also burst into flower.  Tulips and daffodils are showing their beautiful faces...and swallowtails have been fluttering about.  Oh glorious, glorious days of Spring!

As warm days fade into warm evenings, a beautiful chorus begins...frogs and crickets and other critters blend into one comforting hum that says I'm home.


Did you know that in Indonesian, "I'm tired" literally means "I am half-dead"?!  Gotta love it.  I feel that way sometimes...and I'm not even old.  Fridays still kill me.  It is a struggle to devote a single smidge of mental energy to that afternoon class when my brain has been telling me, "It's time for the weekend!"  But I'm not looking for sympathy.  I've been reminded on more than one occasion that situations where I feel that way ("I just can't do this!") are the perfect opportunity to see GOD's strength and power through me.  Because, quite frankly, mine ran out a long time ago.  Stupid that I still often try to do things without God.  But He's patient with me.  Very patient.

I've been seeing comparisons between myself and a lot of Bible characters lately.  I see myself in Martha, "worried and troubled about many things."  I see myself in Jonah, running from the Lord's call at times.  Or in Peter, eagerly but naively calling out, "Lord, if it's You, ask me to come to You on the water!" ...Then stepping out of the boat and being overwhelmed as I look around me and see the seemingly impossible circumstances.  But then I think of Peter's God, who pulled him out of the waves when he began to sink.  I think of Jonah's God, who used a storm and big fish to bring the run-away to his senses.  And I realize that's MY God.  MY God, and He loves me.  He's still faithful.  He still cares.  What more can I ask for?  What more could I possibly want?


Life is good.  Because GOD is good.

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