Sunday, April 17, 2011

Life...Through a Child's Eyes

I love the giggles, the grins, the squeals of glee.   I love the frowns of concentration.   I love the energy of rabunctious little boys.

Yesterday morning I spent an hour babysitting one of the cutest two-year-olds.  It was a joy, but it also gave me a different perspective on life.

As I poured a cup of coffee which Caedmon's mom had thoughtfully brewed for me, I felt a small body leaning against my leg.  I looked down, and there was Caedmon, reaching his hands up towards me.  "Do you want me to pick you up?" I asked.  The delighted grin was the only answer I needed, and I scooped him up.  He was happy and content to be held, and I was only too glad to hold him.  Later, he bumped his eye against something (boys will be boys), and said to me in a tearful voice, "I hurt my eye!"  A quick kiss, and he was back to playing joyfully once more.  Ah, children.  Their worlds are so uncomplicated.  They're so trusting.  So dependent.  So quick to run to someone bigger than themselves for help or comfort.  Hmm...I'm beginning to think Jesus must have had a reason for using children as an example of the kind of faith our Heavenly Father wants.

Children naturally acknowledge their dependence on their parents (or caretakers).  Somehow when we get older and bigger and (we think) wiser, we get the idea that we don't need anyone.  That we don't need God.  Well, we wouldn't actually say that, but we act like it often times.  And yet...we still so desperately need Him.  Unlike me, God doesn't take coffee breaks or get distracted by other things.  Aren't you glad?!  And aren't you also glad that no matter what, we can run to Him?  We don't always have words to say, but as our loving Heavenly Father, God honors those simple hands reaching towards Him.  That's all it takes.

If I could go through this week with the heart of a child, what would it look like?  I'd see the joy and beauty of each moment more clearly.  I'd stop trying to be tough and instead I'd run to God with my tears and worries and fears.  I'd stop planning for tomorrow and live in today.  I'd trust my Father because He's the greatest, and I know He loves me.

I think I've just given myself a challenge.  Trust.  Faith.  Dependence.  The most logical thing in the world when I remember who I am and who God is.  (Not the easiest thing in the world, I know.)  Pray for me, my friends.

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