Saturday, April 23, 2011

God's Faithfulness: Photos

Oh, I wish there were a way to adequately convey the immensity of God's faithfulness to me.  I can't help but think back over the past three semesters and...well, God is God.  Meaning, He's brought me through things I could have never faced alone and He's never let me down.  Ever.  I don't know how many times I've wailed to Him, "Lord, this is not how I thought things would be!"  Praise His name - He doesn't do things the way I would.  If I could've planned my own life, it would be a disaster.  Knowing that, I still often convince myself that I can be in control.  Stupid, yes?  I can hear my friend's mom gently reminding me of Proverbs 16:9, "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

...Photos?  Oh yes, we're getting there.  Each one reminds me of God's faithfulness.

Changing seasons: God stays the same.



Language had been the love of my heart for years (now perhaps replaced by coffee, but we won't go there now...I might get a scolding).  Last semester's Grammar intro class was great.  I'm not sure what's happened since then.  Now, the thought of spending next semester studying linguistics terrifies me.  Being involved in this aspect of missions has lost every last bit of appeal for me.  Bible translation, my one-time goal and dream?  It makes me want to run as fast as I can in the opposite direction.  Even learning another language - well enough to communicate effectively on a deep level - seems impossibly difficult.  Maybe God won't call me to translation or linguistics (I'm praying He won't).  But next semester is an open door, for now.  Faith tells me to walk through it.  Fear tells me to run.  Faith tells me I don't need to know the whole story - how God will use this - I just need to obey what I know now.  Fear tells me I'll never make it.  Faith reminds me that God will never call me to something He won't enable me to do.  His grace is always enough.

It's the story of my life, I'm telling you.

You don't know how close I was to fainting before giving that shot. But I did it! By God's grace.

From L to R: me, Lindsey, Esther, Dawn, Stephen

God's grace is abundant: one of the biggest challenges (class-wise) of this semester was met by one of the biggest blessings, my team.  These guys were the best.  No qualifiers on that statement.



I've said it before, but it bears repeating.  Friends are some of the Lord's most beautiful blessings to us.  Sisters in Christ - forever.

You know these girls.  (Is it cheating to use the same picture twice?)

My crazy, fun roommate, Megan.  She's a monkey, if there ever was one.  She says she can make me laugh anytime she wants to.  I don't think that's too far from the truth.

My friend Susan... Wish I could come up with a good description of her personality, but...well, Susan is just Susan.  And she's fabulous.

Oh, crazy classmates!  I love 'em.  So many wonderful memories.


I have fond memories of my very first Thanksgiving away from home...complete with my first time decorating a Christmas tree, watching "The Grinch", "Frosty the Snowman", and "Arthur's Perfect Christmas".  "The kids made me do it."  Just kidding.  I loved every minute of it.

These are the "stars" of our tree-decorating party...

Adriana, Esther, Beka. Beautiful girls.

This is Piper-girl.  She sought refuge and found it under the tree.  I wonder whose socks those are...?

Siblings: Josh and Beka.  Cute, aren't they?!  Complete hams when there's a camera around.


Fun times at the nursing home...

The E-Linc group dubbed "Group Awesome" by our beloved newcomers, Stephen and Dawn (sadly not in this photo).  Oh, and I'd like to point out that I am NOT strangling my roommate there.  Megan was making this face before I put my hands on her shoulders.


And we could keep going.

Yup.  My God is pretty awesome.

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