Sunday, February 13, 2011

Loved. Forgiven. Overcome.

That sums up my state pretty well right now.  Life can get so busy and frustration - with myself or with others - mounts quickly.  Then the Lord gently turns me to face Him, and I find myself overcome once again by His love.  Sometimes, like this morning in church, I sit there thinking about how much He loves me, trying to understand how such love is even possible.  But I can't.  I'm just overwhelmed.  And then the tears want to come.  (I find that happening as I see more and more of God's character become reality in my life.)  I have seen so much of my own weakness, unfaithfulness, and ugly pride, but God never stops at revealing my sin.  He always reminds me of HIS love, HIS faithfulness, HIS forgiveness.  And words fail me.  No words or song or sermon can ever fully convey the greatness of our God and Savior.  It has to be experienced.

On that note, one Sunday morning several weeks back, someone sang a song I'd never heard before.  I must say, if there was ever a song written just for me, this is it.  In my foolishness and pride, I'd tried to handle a situation by myself.  It was too big.  I had no idea what to do.  And though I begged God over and over for an answer, He seemed completely silent.  Only He knows the tears and the pain and the dark nights of confusion.  I thought I was running to Him, and I wondered why He just wouldn't answer my prayer for help.  I KNEW He was there - somewhere.  So desperately I was trying to "find Him" - or I thought I was - and I couldn't.  One night, it was as though something made me turn and look back for just a glance.  In that moment I saw so clearly that God, my Heavenly Father, hadn't been hiding Himself from me.  No, He was longing for me to come to Him.  And He wasn't sitting back on His dignity waiting for me to realize my mistake.  He was running to me.  God.  The all-powerful, all-knowing, unchanging Maker of the universe.  Not standing off in the distance waiting for His prodigal child.  Running to me, because He loved me so much and wanted me to be with Him.  My mind cannot begin to take in the immensity of His love or forgiveness.  But I know it's real, and it will never fail.

God's love never leaves us where it found us.  Aren't you glad for that?

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