Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank You, Jesus!

At our Tuesday E-Linc lunch, we talked about how discontentment can lead us into temptation.  I looked back over the past few hours.  My thoughts were, It was a good morning...I got my floor swept and laundry done before classes.  But wait!  I wasn't able to get part of my homework done because my keyboard wasn't working right.  And the burnt smell of last night's dinner disaster still hung in the apartment.  And I was totally lost in class and couldn't even think well enough to take notes like I should have.  And that bag of sorry-looking oranges on the counter at home really annoys me.  And...and I guess maybe it wasn't such a good morning after all.

It's crazy, but with a world of things to be thankful for, how much time do I waste complaining or getting irritated at petty little things?  Oh, what I do to myself and those around me when I choose to focus on what doesn't go my way.  And what joy I could spread when I spend time thanking the Lord for what's He given me.

Simple things.  The beauty of a sunrise.  The warmth of the sun.  A variety of food that is tasty and fresh.  The joyful, carefree laughter of children playing outside.  A friend who can sense you're stressed and just put an understanding arm around you.  Time spent with dear sisters in Christ.  The chance to live life in the presence of the Lord.

Even a wilting flower that says someone was thinking of me.

Or...a new coffee pot.  It was free, too.  (Did I ever tell you how much I've come to like coffee?!  Well, maybe sometime I'll tell you how I really feel.)

Life is good with the Lord.  Thank You, Jesus - for everything.

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